Wednesday, May 6, 2009

24-Carat Gold Macbook with Diamond Apple Logo

The rich folks at Computer Choppers are almost through with their custom made 24 kt Gold Macbook festooned with diamond-encrusted logo. It’s catching eyeballs. With price as affordable as $7,000-$8,000, you can place an order for your own Gold Macbook.

With this price, you would be getting a computer with 24-carat gold plating and 3-carat glittering diamonds. The above featured has already been purchased by an Apple fanboy. But if it doesn’t fit into your budget, you can always go for the gold plating for $1,500. Fortunately, the value additions and gems add no weight to the Macbook. A clear view of the Macbook can be gathered by clicking on to the picture gallery at Computer Choppers.

Jump further for more pics:

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