Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Steampunk modder Built LCD computer monitor and keyboard.

Brass dominates this steampunk design and all of 22 inches of the LCD monitor sits on a nice brass frame that is a quarter inch thick. The drilled holes on the frame make it look very nice and retro. The ports for the mic and earphones lie on the LCD monitor’s side and Datamancer has given the entire kit a nice sanding and polishing to give you that shimmering shine.


The frame is solid 1/4-inch brass that has been sanded and polished to a high shine. The base features a mixture of brass and black marble with a small brass “cord catch” to keep the power and data cords tidy.

This particular LCD is going to be seen in an upcoming, modernized, arthaus/indy/slasher remake of the old Nosferatu silent film along with a custom keyboard that has runes on the keys. The film is being made by Red Scream Films LLC. and looks like it’s going to be really cool.

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